Friday, May 6, 2011

Natural Gas and the Environment.

Natural gas is known to be one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels.  The amount of carbon dioxide that natural gas gives off is exceedingly lower than that of coal and oil.  In pounds per billion, natural gas gives off 117,000 of carbon, while oil gives off 164,000 and coal emits 208,000.  Natural gas release less harmful pollutants than any other fossil fuel.

Natural gas is also known to harm the environment when it burns, though, too.  Methane, which is the main component of natural gas, can trap up to more than 20 times the heat carbon dioxide can.  Methane is said to be 1.1% of the greenhouse emissions.  Methane is also accounted for 8.5% of greenhouse emissions based on global warming potential.

"Natural Gas and the Environment." 2010. Web. 06 May 2011. <>.

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