Monday, May 2, 2011

I am researching natural gas drilling, hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, uses huge volumes of water, chemicals and sand injected into rock at high pressure to release natural gas. Its development has unleashed a natural gas boom in the US and around the world. But the NYT said the waste water contained dangerously high levels of radioactivity. It was being sent to treatment plants that were not designed to deal with or being discharged into rivers that supply drinking water.

Goldenberg,, Suzanne. "What the Frack? US Natural Gas Drilling Method Contaminates Wate."  Environment Blog., Feb.-Mar. 2011. Web. Apr.-May 2011.

1 comment:

  1. I know that natural gas and oil are different things, but I'm currently reading a book that is set in China and has brought up the existence (if I believe the book) of abiotic oil -- which means oil that is produced naturally deeper down in the earth's core than the upper level biotic oil made during the dinosaur age. Supposedly, according to the book, if this abiotic oil does exist, it is able to replenish itself. Weird, huh! I'm looking forward to your paper!
