Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Natural Gas Drilling
Although it has caused several severe incidents over the part few years, how is the dramatic increase of natural gas drilling in the United States still considered good? A truth about drilling is that it is all dealt with exploring and estimation. There is always a chance that one may not find natural gas in that particular area, if calculations of the estimations were wrong. This would result in spending a large amount of money for absolutely nothing.  Although there are good things that come from natural gas drilling, there are consequences that come with it, too.
  One reason this process has been increasing so much recently is because the infrastructure is already mostly in place. Connecting pipes underground have been being built across the country over the years. This has caused the amount of money spent on the most crucial part [in a short amount of time] to decrease some.
By drilling natural gas from underground the surrounding area can be brutally damaged. In order to be far enough away from a town, to prevent damage to said towns, there will be much damage to nature and property. The work area much be large enough for all the equipment. This may result in damage to an entire forest or wreck prairies, thus destroying many animals’ homes. Sometimes the drills are placed on land in which people own already. CBS news channel did a story on some folks whose home got taken over. “Tim and Christine Ruggiero explain how their dream home turned into a nightmare when drillers arrived at their home and began digging up their land. It turns out Ruggieros owned the land, but not the rights to the minerals beneath it”.
  There is a great amount of natural gas in the United States. Just in one rock formation in Pennsylvania there is said to be near $500 billion worth of natural gas. This process gives the economy a boost. In drilling areas, the towns surrounding get all their business. The gas companies must rent offices, hotel rooms, and equipment, buy gas and pay people to prepare their site.
  Natural gas drilling areas are great with boosting the economy in specific areas, but over the country their prices continues to be high. In 2008, the price for a thousand cubic feet was $7.96. To buy that in a bulk can really cost a person a large amount of money.
  Natural gas is known to be one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels. The amount of carbon dioxide that natural gas gives off is exceedingly lower than that of coal and oil. In pounds per billion, natural gas gives of 117,000 of carbon, while oil gives off 164,000 and coal emits 208,000. Natural gas release less harmful pollutants than any other fossil fuel.
  Natural gas is also known to harm the environment when it burns, though, too. Methane, which is the main component of natural gas, can trap up to more than 20 times the heat carbon dioxide can. Methane is said to be 1.1% of the greenhouse emissions. Methane is also accounted for 8.5% of the greenhouse gas emissions based on global warning potential.
  Natural gas can be used for many different things. It can be used to create fewer emissions from all other fossil fuels. It can re-burn by a mixture in coal or oil boilers, which it can create up to 50% less emissions. Fuel cells, created by natural gas, can be used to generate electricity. It can also cut down the pollutions of gas/diesel powered vehicles.
  It can be used in houses for heating and energy. If a house is not properly insulated, it can be very costly to a person. There is also a chance that the gas can leak. If the gas line were to leak, it could create a bid explosion and/or create a dangerous fire. This can put you and/or your family in a cautious situation.
  Natural gas drilling has become so popular that some state governments are giving up land to it. Some feel that it is necessary to use this drilling and natural gas to our advantage. Especially because this country is going through such a hard economical time.
  Drilling into the ground, though, has caused some of the gas to seep through into bodies of waters. This causes chemicals to collect. This water, then, leaks through the ground and poisons the ground water. If any living creature drinks this water, it can cause extreme, hazardous harm to them.
  Natural gas is a fossil fuel, meaning when the human race has used it up, it is forever gone. This is no different from any other fossil fuel. We must come up with an alternative substance to energize and fuel our world. We need to be extremely careful when using our resources, before they harm us or completely run out on us. We need to use our resources sparingly.
Works Cited

Goldenberg,, Suzanne. "What the Frack? US Natural Gas Drilling Method Contaminates Wate." Environment Blog., Feb.-Mar. 2011. Web. Apr.-May 2011.
"Natural Gas and the Environment." 2010. Web. 06 May 2011. <>.
Natural Gas Weekly Update. U.S. Energy Informative Administration. 13 December 2010. December 13, 2010.

St.. John, Caryna. The Impact of Natural Gas Drilling on the Environment. Helium. December 13, 2010. 05 May 2011., David Thompson. "Gas Exploration- Pros and Cons." | News, Sports, Jobs, Community Information - Williamsport-Sun Gazette. June-July 2008. Web. 05 May 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah -- your essay was very informative and complete regarding fracking. I do think, however, that you really needed to more closely cite your sources in your essay. It is unclear where you found a lot of the specific and detailed information. At one point you refer to a couple, and you referred to them in text, but it doesn't correspond to one of your sources. When you do so, please refer to the source by using the first item on the Works Cited entry.

    I have really, really enjoyed your writing this year. You are very talented. Thank you for coming to class to learn, not just satisfy your graduation requirements! I really have appreciated your efforts!

    One more thing.... the last entry on your Works Cited page should actually be your first entry, alphabetically, unless you leave out the and start with Thompson.

    Best of luck to you!
